Green Carpet Brooklyn

How to Remove Pet Stains from Your Rug

How to Remove Pet Stains from Your Rug

Pets make us healthier, according to medical and scientific experts, and humans spend billions each year on caring for and pampering their dogs, cats, rabbits, snakes and myriad other types of pets. And while we adore our housemates and best friends, they can be, well…messy. This is particularly true of homes in which pets share living spaces with carpets and rugs. If your furry friends have caused some stains to the rugs in your home, we have some helpful tips.

What is Staining the Rug?

Just as you might have to use a different method for removing dirt from a rug than you might use for removing wine, you need to understand what “type” of pet stain has left marks on the rug. Urine, vomit, plain old dirt or mud…these are different issues. So, be sure you know just what sort of stains are at issue before you try to remove them.

Removing Urine Stains

Urine is a difficult issue because it leaves a lingering scent as well as natural chemical compounds that make it challenging to remove. However, if you can address the issue as soon as it occurs you may enjoy better outcomes.

To begin dealing with a urine stain, blot it up (if damp) OR place clean towels you have dampened with plain tap water over the stain and press down firmly on the towels. It is even better if you wet paper towels and put them between the rug and the clean towel. This can really blot up the urine and help to remove it.

If the rug is not an antique or Oriental rug, you can then use a vinegar and water solution (two cups each of water and vinegar with 4 tbsp of baking soda mixed well). Spritz this on the stain and allow to sit for ten minutes and then blot.

If the staining is heavy, sprinkle baking soda over the stain and then soak with the mixture. Blot after five minutes and continue repeating to remove the stain.

Eliminating Vomit Stains

Highly acidic, vomit is a horrible issue for upholstery and rugs. It has to be cleaned up immediately if no damages are to occur, and the same blotting method has to be used. However, you can also consider neutralizing acids by applying a solution of two cups water and 1 tbsp regular salt, ½ cup white vinegar and 1 tbsp mild soap. Blot this into the stain and continue soaking and blotting to eliminate and neutralize the acid.

Keep in mind that even with fast action, many pet stains become permanent or can damage the rug. If you arrive home to a mess, do what you can immediately, including the use of blotting and soaking with cleaning solutions to attempt to overcome the issue. However, don’t hesitate to call in a professional if the rug seems to be at risk for serious, permanent problems. Experts have the machines and methods needed to address the worst issues, including the most serious pet stains on the most delicate or even antique rugs.